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Creative Ways Parents Can Help Kids Learn Beyond the Classroom

By: Laura Pearson

Many children have been learning from home since the pandemic showed that it was possible to do so. While this can be a challenge for both parents and children, there are creative ways that parents can help children learn outside of the classroom. The Center for Proper Protocol & Etiquette has compiled a list of tips to make the transition to homeschooling easier.

Make Learning Fun

Learning doesn’t always have to feel like work. Look for ways to make learning fun, such as playing educational games or using online tools like Kahoot! or Quizlet, which allow students to interact with one another while still staying on task with their studies. You could even create rewards systems where they receive points for completing tasks correctly, which they can then redeem for prizes later on.

Create a Study Plan Together

Creating a study plan with your child will help them stay organized and on track with their studies. Have them write down when they need to complete certain tasks or assignments so that they know what is expected of them each day. This will also help you keep track of their progress.

Research Educational Apps or Websites

There are countless educational apps and websites that can help your child’s learning. Do some research online and see which ones might be best suited for your child’s needs. From math to science to history, you will be able to find something that will keep them engaged in their studies.

Sign Them Up for Online Courses or Tutoring

If your child is having difficulty understanding certain topics, signing them up for online courses or tutoring sessions can be beneficial in helping them understand the material better. This will also give your child an opportunity to interact with other students who may be studying similar topics, as well as gain access to additional resources such as textbooks or videos that may not be available at home.

Spend Quality Time

Spending quality time with your children is essential during this time away from school because it strengthens the relationship between parent and child while also providing emotional support during these uncertain times. Whether it’s going out for ice cream after dinner or playing board games together, spending time with your kids will go a long way toward helping them feel secure as they ease away from traditional schooling methods.

Take Educational Courses Yourself

Taking educational courses alongside your children will not only provide valuable insight into how they are learning but also allows you to bond with them over shared interests. Doing so can also open you up to many resources and expose you to new things.

Take a look at this university program that offers classes useful for parents focused on guiding their children’s learning. Education courses will not only help you teach your child better, but they could also open up new career paths for you if you decide that teaching is something you would like to do long-term.

Help Them Stay Positive

It is important to remember that everyone has good days and bad days when it comes to learning from home. Encourage your child by offering words of affirmation and praise when they do something right instead of focusing solely on the mistakes they may have made along the way. This will help boost their self-confidence and morale, which in turn can lead to better performance overall in schoolwork and other areas in life, too.

Navigating home learning can be challenging, but there are creative ways parents can help their children learn outside the classroom. The above tips should put you at ease as you guide your child’s education.

Categories : Parenting, Education